From all over the world, thousands of people gathered in Madrid to challenge the authorities on their responsibilities in the ongoing conflict in Western Sahara, and calling to respect international laws in the decolonization of this territory.
Among the march, the messages are addressed to the Spanish government (the Madrid agreements of 1975 which allowed the invasion of the territory), the UN (in charge of organizing the referendum of self-determination MINURSO), the European Union (the agreement EU-Morocco fisheries which violates international law by operating in Western Sahara), France (for its support for Moroccan colonization and its repeated veto against a human rights monitoring mission), and Morocco.
This march is organized within the framework of the EUCOCO (European Coordination Conference in support of the Sahrawi people). Since the Madrid Agreements 43 years ago, the EUCOCO gathers during 2 days more than 300 parliamentarians, politicians, jurists, representatives of the SADR, the AU, associations, in various "Task Force" groups. In each of the working groups (respect for human rights, politics, natural resources, construction of the Sahrawi state), they review the work carried out during the year and establish the future actions that will be taken at the level of the European governments, the parliament, the UN and the African Union.
This march is an opportunity for Sahrawi refugees across different countries to meet each year to reaffirm their presence and their fight. Like Sahrawi society and the SADR government, women play a central role in the march.
From all over the world, thousands of people gathered in Madrid to challenge the authorities on their responsibilities in the ongoing conflict in Western Sahara, and calling to respect international laws in the decolonization of this territory.
Among the march, the messages are addressed to the Spanish government (the Madrid agreements of 1975 which allowed the invasion of the territory), the UN (in charge of organizing the referendum of self-determination MINURSO), the European Union (the agreement EU-Morocco fisheries which violates international law by operating in Western Sahara), France (for its support for Moroccan colonization and its repeated veto against a human rights monitoring mission), and Morocco.
This march is organized within the framework of the EUCOCO (European Coordination Conference in support of the Sahrawi people). Since the Madrid Agreements 43 years ago, the EUCOCO gathers during 2 days more than 300 parliamentarians, politicians, jurists, representatives of the SADR, the AU, associations, in various "Task Force" groups. In each of the working groups (respect for human rights, politics, natural resources, construction of the Sahrawi state), they review the work carried out during the year and establish the future actions that will be taken at the level of the European governments, the parliament, the UN and the African Union.
This march is an opportunity for Sahrawi refugees across different countries to meet each year to reaffirm their presence and their fight. Like Sahrawi society and the SADR government, women play a central role in the march.

Demonstration on the Place de la Répubique on November 28, 2020, to express the rights of the Sahrawi people to self-determination shortly after the resumption of the armed conflict between Morocco and the Polisario Front.
This demonstration was also an opportunity to highlight the absence of human rights monitoring mechanisms in the territory occupied by Morocco, and the inaccessibility of the occupied territory to journalists, while the repression against civilians has increased since the November 13.
This demonstration was also an opportunity to highlight the absence of human rights monitoring mechanisms in the territory occupied by Morocco, and the inaccessibility of the occupied territory to journalists, while the repression against civilians has increased since the November 13.